How to Use Prodigy Author: Douglas Hergert Price: $17.95 ISBN: 1-56276-257-5 AUDIENCE Prodigy has over 2 million members worldwide and many of these users are new to on-line services and will benefit from the clear graphics and explanations they will find in How to Use Prodigy. Many of these members are also kids, and Douglas Hergert makes sure that they have plenty to discover within Prodigy's on-line services. No other Prodigy book provides such clear explanations or easy-to-understand illustrations on every page. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Douglas Hergert is the author of the best-selling How to Use Windows . He has written more than 30 books on personal computers and software since 1981. He specializes in spreadsheets, database management programs and has written about major Windows software such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access. He lives in San Francisco, California. Pages: 140 Available: August, 1994